Performance Management

Effectively manage performance with features designed to empower your team.

Spot Checks: See It, Record It, Improve It

Don’t wait for problems to surface. Proactively ensure your team is hitting the mark with CmdCentr’s pre-defined spot checks

Here’s the magic

Tailored by Ride

Create specific checks for each ride, focusing on critical safety procedures (think mannequin checks on water rides) or guest safety essentials (are team members using clear hand signals?).

One-Click Compliance

Managers conduct spot checks right from the monitoring app during ride visits.

Real-Time Snapshot

Spot checks capture the exact moment, providing a clear picture of team performance at that specific time.

Effortless Tracking

The app automatically logs completed spot checks, making it easy to monitor progress throughout the day.

Flight Hours: Tracking experience, one ride at a time

Experience is key in any operation. CmdCentr’s Flight Hour tracking gives you the insights you need.

What it Means

Track Time

Flight hours record how long a team member spends at a specific ride or location.

Experience Breakdown

See exactly how much experience each team member has gained in each position.

Granular Detail

CmdCentr tracks every position, providing a comprehensive picture of a team member’s expertise across the park.

Empower Growth

Use flight hours to identify training needs and opportunities, fostering a stronger, more confident team.

Real-Time Ride Performance Insights

CmdCentr’s monitoring app doesn’t just stop at spot checks and flight hours. It gives managers a real-time window into the performance of each ride throughout the day.

How it Works

Data Integration

The app seamlessly collects data from the ride apps, providing a comprehensive view of ride operations.

Identify Trends

Managers can easily spot emerging issues or areas for improvement by analyzing performance trends over time.

Proactive Coaching

  • This insight allows managers to provide targeted coaching and support to the team, ensuring they’re always operating at their best.

Continuous Improvement

By using data-driven insights, managers can foster a culture of continuous improvement, driving excellence throughout the park.

The Power of Proactive Problem-Solving

There’s a significant difference between an operator needing help and asking for help. Often, issues can escalate before they’re even noticed. With CmdCentr’s real-time monitoring, managers can anticipate problems and address them before they impact guests.

Key benefits include

Reduced Downtime

By identifying issues early, managers can minimize disruptions to operations.

Improved guest experience

Proactive problem-solving ensures guests enjoy a seamless and enjoyable visit.

Enhanced team morale

A well-managed operation leads to a more positive and engaged team.

CmdCentr’s Performance Management is:


Designed to seamlessly integrate with your daily operations.


Provides clear data for informed decisions.


Adapts to your specific needs and park layout.

Ready to take your team performance to new heights? Get in touch with CmdCentr today!

More CmdCentr features

Operational checks

Powerful checks management enables full control over what checks need to be completed, when they need to be done and who they need to be done by.

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Use our API to pull important metrics into your own data lake and BI tools

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Custom Reports

Want your data sliced in your own way? We can create custom reports just how you want them.

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Apps Dashboard

A tool to help IT teams to spot any ride apps that may be struggling with connectivity issues

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